Brisbane Day 1 | 4.8.2024


As I sit down with a warm cup of coffee, it feels like the perfect time to reflect on my days in Australia. It’s a moment to pause and ponder over what I’ve experienced and what lies ahead.

It’s tempting to think that I haven’t achieved much or improved my English, but today, I want to see myself through a different lens. Even if the journey had felt easy, there would still have been so much to gain. Experiencing new things, meeting new people and facing heartbreak have made me realize the importance of taking my future more seriously than ever before. I’ve felt the ebb and flow of emotions since arriving in Australia. Now, I find it essential to grasp the nuances of these experiences and thoughtfully consider my future.

Sydney: I arrived in Sydney on June 11th. It was my first visit to Australia, so I decided to bring my mum along. We enjoyed city walks, the vivid Sydney light show, the iconic Harbour Bridge, and the majestic Opera House. The wrap from the café at QVB was absolutely delicious. We stayed there for three days.

Melbourne: Upon arriving in Melbourne, the crowds and skyscrapers made me feel like I was in Tokyo. I attended a language school to take advantage of staying in student accommodation. Fortunately, I was assigned to the highest level class, which sometimes intimidated me but was a great rewarding experience.

Uluru: After five weeks, I traveled to Uluru, and it was nothing short of life-changing. It was an intense and strenuous trip, leaving me with little energy for anything but sightseeing, which, by the way, was wonderful, so I didn’t have the chance to keep a detailed diary at that time. Still, I managed to jot down my feelings about the heartbreak I experienced. I think I’ll write them here before I forget the emotions.

All I desire is to become a better version of myself, someone I would love to marry. I fell for a young man who checks off various boxes I hadn’t even considered before. At the age of 18, he already knows his passions, his future goals, and how he wishes to shape his life. He doesn’t have all the answers and can be a bit too explanatory and immature at times, but it’s natural, it’s totally okay, right? Rather, his proactive approach is incredibly attractive. It was easy to fall for him, and I also instantly knew that I should have been cautious, as it led to a heartbreak that perhaps could have been avoided.

Then I got heartbroken in exactly the way I had feared. I don’t see these experiences as a waste; instead, I should leverage them and intend to use them as stepping stones toward a more serious contemplation of my future:

  • I should become fluent in English, Italian, French, Arabic, and Spanish. Inspired by his love for languages, I wish to uncover their beauty as well.
  • I aim to obtain a visa or find opportunities to live abroad.
  • I will make an effort to strike up conversations with strangers, offering a smile and a wink.
  • I want to enhance my appearance.
  • I aspire to speak in a more articulate and captivating manner. Commanding languages is akin to commanding the world.

I know he may not see a future with me, and that thought alone is heart-wrenching. Yet, I was the one who chose to confront him and his attitudes, and I still wish to become someone like him.

I sense that more tears may come, and as I write these words about him, they feel all too real. So, I’ll draw this reflection to a close for today.

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